to the upset Burbank people, my message to y’all
i saw the post in which a Burbank resident was upset as to why she feels that Burbank is getting flak and upset that they feel like they are ostracized when talking about the SFV. here’s my response.
i had a co-worker say she was from the valley (working in West Hollywood) so i excitedly asked her where she’s from and she said Burbank. we then proceeded to argue about what’s considered the Valley (she said Canoga Park wasn’t a part of what she considered “the valley” lmfao) and discuss our upbringing in which she went to a private school and grew up mainly around white peeps (not hating on white peeps just how it is in Burbank).
i lived near the Canoga Park area and i can tell you that Burbank people are really white washed to another level. No matter your ethnicity in most cases if your hispanic, asian, black, south american, indian, etc etc you most likely have integrated into the predominantly white culture of burbank.
even your guys pho (ex. mama hongs) is catered to the taste of your people’s and personally it was one of the saddest meals i’ve ever had.
now don’t get me wrong there’s plenty to be proud of as a Burbank resident (like the IKEA and that one really cool busker dude “bard of burbank” i think), but i think where the issue comes from is that if you didn’t go to a middle school and highschool that was over 50% hispanic and didn’t know anyone named Manny, Chewy, or Ernesto, etc who smoked weed and skated after school and got chicharrones from the ice cream cart or carne asada fries from the local spot then you didn’t experience the “Valley” culture like so many of us other 818 folk did.
i think when people say the valley it’s a culture thing. there’s some common denominator in some way shape or form (like Leo’s or Angels tacos) and if the peeps from Burbank don’t know what those places are then that kind of proves the point that i’m trying to make.
love you guys but understand that if you grew up in Burbank, you most likely had a drastically different upbringing/experience then the rest of us SFV. and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that other than you guys culturally being a bit different from us even if we’re from relatively the same area.
all love, just stating my observations.