Well written comfort reads?

Hi all!

Every time someone comes here and asks for comfort reads I steal a bunch of the recs. I’m 5 books in on a DNF streak in my TBR and I need something good to break it!

I’m searching for those really sweet sounding books and then realizing the writing is terrible. I need something with lots of love but good writing!

My DNF: {Reaper Unexpected by Debbie Cassidy} {Audrey by Elle Lincoln} {Much Ado About Omega by Valancy Rivenhall} {Clouds and Daydreams by Elizabeth Knight} {All of Santa’s Reindeer by Kelsey Soliz}

Examples of some good ones:

{Believe it or Knot by Harper Wylde}

{Salvation by EJ Lawson}

{Dylan St James by Elizabeth Dear}

{Endless by Devyn Sinclair}

Edit: doesn’t have to be OV. My examples are those cause they’re usually really comforting