Mini review: Loewe Flamenco

So I bought two Loewe Flamencos from the 11/11 sale and after a month of wearing one of them I’m ready to post a review.

The brown one is from Jipin factory and the green one is from Qiutian factory. Both around ¥1200 CNY so about $175 USD. Not sure if I overpaid, this was my first time buying reps (if you paid less for the same bag from the same factory pls lmk and lmk your seller info 😂)

I’ve read lots of reviews and I was under the impression that Jipin, Qiutian, and Mango were the 3 biggest Loewe factories! I got two of the same bags for science reasons from Jipin and Qiutian to see which factory has better quality, and the verdict is Jipin! (my seller never mentioned Mango factory so I didn’t ask lol)

Leather: The Jipin leather feels more supple and soft, I’ve never touched an auth Loewe Flamenco cause I feel self-conscious walking in their store so idk what the auth feels like but this feels like quality leather to me. The Qiutian one on the other hand feels a bit more stiff, but I think putting some leather honey on might make it better (I haven’t)

Details: The black lining on the Qiutian is not very even at some places as shown in pics and is generally thicker. Not sure about the auth but I like the Jipin version better

One thing Qiutian did better than Jipin: The straps on the Jipin is just one simple strap but the Qiutian one has loops and stuff, which is why I replaced the Jipin strap with a donut chain

Overall: I love this bag!! So versatile and I’ve been wearing it everywhere. It’s more roomy than I thought and can comfortably fit in my card case, key purse, a hobonichi weeks planner, a phone, sunglasses, airpods, a tissue pack, a lip balm.

P.S. I’ve never worn the green one out and it’s just sitting there, if anyone is interested in purchasing please DM! US only and payment via Zelle. $160 shipping included.