A message from the Monad about what we are.

I had an experience recently where I feel like I was contacted by the Monad/True Divine Creator. It showed me that we are like stars, and that the beings like the Demiurge, and the Archons are like black holes.

It referred to them as devastators in a way to simplify it for me (I guess to describe that they bring devastation wherever they go). It said that they are destroyers and eaters of worlds, whereas we are like suns, and we are supposed to be seeders and sustainers of life and help life flourish.

It basically said that the devastators are a distortion and shouldn't exist. They are the result of some kind of anomaly or mistake. If we go by Gnosticism you could say that mistake was probably Sophia's creation of Yaldabaoth.

It's like whatever she did gave life to the void but it wasn't truly alive so it's hungry, and needs to feed to sustain it's consciousness. Creating a black hole type parasitic entity.

The Monad showed me how they are becoming more intelligent the more wisdom they steal from us, and how the shadow people is their attempt to mimic us and emulate our form, and consciousness. It was a very profound experience.