Can that be true ? (Wild horse selling prices)
For how much do wild horses sell in RDO ?
I am asking, because yesterday, while playing Arthur's story, I caught my first horse ever, rode it to Valentine and sold it at the stables. It was displayed only briefly and I dunno if i looked incorrectly, but I think all I got from the sale was $2.50 ore something in story mode? Can this be right ?
I was actually planning on doing some horse catching and selling operation in RDO but if that are the prices, it's not worth it... or do they differ between story and online?
It was no special horse, just the race you get as a starting horse (whatsitsname) and I guess prices differ for rare races etc. but come on ... two fiddy ?
(Also, I accidentally shot a wild horse online yesterday. Did I encounter a glitch or can't you skin a dead wild horse for parts?)