12 Games (Vanquish, Skullgirls, System Shock 1, Torchlight 1&2)

Some games from humble bundles and fanatical I already own, I hope they'll do good in someone else's steam library. Just comment with the ONE game you'd like of them all and I'll choose at random in about 24 hours.

The Games:

Vanquish u/imaprince

Skullgirls u/Mahtoth

System Shock: Enhanced Edition u/ivvix

Torchlight 1 u/SpaceRexy

Torchlight 2 u/pfftYeahRight

Act of Aggression - Reboot Edition u/AugustusConstantine

One Finger Death Punch 2 u/Nicotal

Thoth u/Gnobold

140 u/TheCodingGamer

Scribblenauts Unlimited u/ArtursK32

Stick Fight: The Game u/Thatguy46231

Nidhogg u/iXingie

Good luck and stay safe!

Edit: Winners will be contacted shortly, Thanks for participating and wish everyone better luck for the next one!