The truth about cigarettes

I know you're probably tired of hearing about how cigarettes negatively affect your health. But I have to share something with you. When I decided to quit smoking, I started reading books and studies about cigarettes, and I was shocked when I learned what’s actually in them. Even now, I can’t believe there are people out there who put all these things into cigarettes, let us inhale them, and even charge us for it. Let me share just a few examples with you.

Carbon Monoxide, yes, the same gas released by car exhaust. It’s directly responsible for reducing the oxygen supply to our organs, which can lead to fatigue, weakness, and serious damage to the heart and brain. And we all know how essential oxygen is, we literally can’t live without it.

Tar, a sticky mixture of chemicals that coats and damages our lungs. It reduces lung capacity and significantly increases the risk of lung and throat cancer.

Ammonia, commonly used in cleaning products.

Cyanide, a poison used in pesticides. It blocks cells from using oxygen, which can result in organ damage.

Benzene, found in gasoline, this chemical can cause leukemia and other blood cancers.

Arsenic, Acetone, Toluene, Lead, Nicotine, and the list goes on. It's believed that a single cigarette contains over 7,000 harmful substances, many of which are carcinogenic.

It’s unbelievable what our bodies have to endure so that we can satisfy our addiction. But the good news is that our bodies are incredibly resilient. Once you quit smoking, your body starts healing, some changes happen just hours after your last cigarette, while others take more time.

But how much time do you have? Is it worth the risk? From my personal experience, it’s not. Smoking destroyed my health, but since quitting, I’ve been able to recover. I hope you’ll realize it’s not worth it before it’s too late, before you end up with something as serious as cancer as my dad did. Good luck!