Quake Rankings


I made a page with all the results from every Quake tournament (online and LAN) that I could find across every Quake and attributed points to every top8 finish to create a sort of Power Ranking!

The way it works is depending on whether a player got 1st, 2nd, top4 or top8 in a specific tournament (every tournament is tiered from 1 to 5 with 1 being major lans and 5 being online weekly cups like estoty)
Minimum requirements for tournaments added were $100 prize for online tournaments and $1000 for any LAN

Lots of filtering and configuration options (you can change points per placement, per game, per mode, ignore some games or modes or whatever)

If you click on the Power Ranking option it gives you only the 25 best (highest points) tournament results from each player.

Most of the data missing for now is qw/q2 tournaments (i added most of the big ones but some of this stuff is so hard to find that i'll add it little by little as i find it)

Have fun with it and let me know if you remember any missing tournaments!
