Anyone know how this max rank troll keeps finding me? (PS4)
Hey I’ve been continuously targeted and teabagged by this one Max Rank guy and his friend (his name is Mark-ayy). But the weird thing this isn’t just one game. every single afternoon they are somehow in every single match I play no matter what game mode, they are in the lobby and they manage to find me and target me. Today when I was in a game while playing splitscreen with my sister I had enough and just switched regions and guess what? They STILL ended up in said lobby. I really don’t know how they keep finding me and joining my game to harass me.
Idk if they’re using some kind of player tracker somehow to stream snipe without the stream, I just really don’t know.
No way they’re doing the ultimate no-life just joining each lobby in each gamemode in each regional server just to see if some random rank 25 is playing.
I play on ps4. If anyone has some kind of explanation on how they keep tracking me down please let me know.
Hey I’ve been continuously targeted and teabagged by this one Max Rank guy and his friend (his name is Mark-ayy). But the weird thing this isn’t just one game. every single afternoon they are somehow in every single match I play no matter what game mode, they are in the lobby and they manage to find me and target me. Today when I was in a game while playing splitscreen with my sister I had enough and just switched regions and guess what? They STILL ended up in said lobby. I really don’t know how they keep finding me and joining my game to harass me.
Idk if they’re using some kind of player tracker somehow to stream snipe without the stream, I just really don’t know.
No way they’re doing the ultimate no-life just joining each lobby in each gamemode in each regional server just to see if some random rank 25 is playing.
I play on ps4. If anyone has some kind of explanation on how they keep tracking me down please let me know.