Do you have any stories about targetters?

If you have tell me your stories about them.

Here’s mine:

To this day there’s these 2 no life max ranks that continually target me. Not just one match. EVEN IF THEY FIND ME IN ANOTHER LOBBY THEY TARGET ME!

All because I taunted them one time one game because they were playing annoying characters (E-Pea, Toxic Brainz, Hot-Rod, Captain Cannon)

They just ruin the fun of the game. They play the cheesiest characters. Track me down kill me taunt me, rinse and repeat. Changing characters isn’t an option (they track me via killfeed)

Changing lobbies doesn’t help either because they’ll join that one. Recognise me and target me again.

No pair of players in this entire player base is this DETERMINED to ruin ONE player’s day every day.

Oh yeah messages from a few years ago. This is what they’re like they literally think they’re above good sportsmanship because they can outplay someone at a children’s game:

Anyway that’s my rant/story. Targetters suck. What about you?