Hmmm do you think things are getting objectively worse, or are the level of people's consciousness increasing and we're becoming aware of the hell realm.
Interesting thought popped up in meditation for me today. As my level of awareness develops I become more aware of the suffering and general insanity of the world. It's hard for me to see this realm as anything other then a hell realm now. A hell realm where suffering is the default, and little nuggets of pleasure and hope are fed to the inhabitants to keep them moving, but due to the impermanent nature of everything even the positive things like love, joy, and hope will all fade, back to the state of suffering.
And so everyone is on this treadmill. Running away from pain. Running toward pleasure. But getting nowhere and exhausting themselves.
I look around now and it feels like most are as the end of their energy. There's not much more to give.
So I wonder - have things changed in the world? Or are we simply waking up to the reality of a hell realm. To put it a different way - is the illusion that kept us asleep and ignorant to the reality of this place failing?
It makes me think of the Matrix movies. What if we've all only been here for a few years or decades. What if all of our history is fake. What if we were just dropped here with false memories of a pleasant and sane world. And all of that is an illusion. And all we've ever lived in is an insane hell world. And we are finally waking up to this fact.
I don't know, random depressing thoughts for you on this Thursday.