I don't care about FERPA and I constantly violate the ADA

... because I'm Canadian.

I know Reddit is an American website, the majority of users are from the US, etc, but damn it would be nice if those users could remember there is a world outside their borders sometimes.

ETA: wow i did not realise how mad people would get about this. To avoid responding to everyone individually:

  1. “Damn it would be nice if” =/= “I am shaking and crying over”. If someone expressing a mild wish for mindfulness upsets you this much, particularly to the point you threaten colonial takeover, please take several deep breaths.

  2. A weird number of you interpreted this as me saying I don’t think we should talk about US specific stuff (or accommodations or student privacy??) ever. Obviously I didn’t say that - however, it would be nice if every discussion about such things didn’t have a subset of users trying to shut down that discussion because “X is federal law”, especially when commenting on others posts. More diverse discussion, not less.