Do midwives actually care about/pay any attention to birth plans?

Hi all,

Just hit 38 weeks and one of my close friends also raised the same concern i’d already had about birth plans (shes a week behind me, both FTMs)

Our understanding was that around the 36 week mark at your community midwife appointment you’d be asked about your birth plan and choices and have a discussion around that sort of thing.

The most I was asked was ‘what type of birth do you want and what pain relief’ and this was noted briefly in the white antenatal booklet. My friend wasn’t even asked and was told they didn’t need to see any birth plan and to just have it noted down for when she goes into labour.

As I side note I was also booked in for a membrane sweep and induction which I never requested or consented to, I’m low risk and just baffled at medical intervention being thrown at your rather than discussing your own choices and autonomy.

I was just wondering what other people’s experiences were with this, is this common but birth plans are still paid full attention to when you’re in labour or did you feel that the hospital/birth centre etc took no notice of your plan or preferences? All input welcome, thank you!! :)