Any advice for inductions?
Hi all, feeling a bit bummed out and this past week has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. I had a midwife appointment last week, and ended up being sent to triage due to little one having a high heart rate so got sent there for checks. ended up being sent home, and that was a whole other issue with how I was treated whilst I was there etc. Fast forward to yesterday, I had a growth scan at the hospital (37 weeks). I’d just made my birth plan and the lady who I’m under for MH reasons went through it with me and said it looked amazing and that we would be able to definitely use the things on it as much as possible to give me the best birth experience possible. The consultant then came in afterwards and stated that she’s growing fine and measuring okay, but due to how many times we’ve had to be in hospital before with reduced movement and other issues she’d like to have me induced at 39 weeks on the 8th of March, if she doesn’t come before then. I know that this is what’s best for her, and they’re doing the best they can to keep her and me safe and healthy but I can’t help but feel at a loss that I may not be able to have a natural birth that I planned, and feel slightly bummed out-especially since she’s my first baby. So any advice for going in for an induction would be amazing! Little one still has time, but anything would be great. Tia x