Partner working night shifts at 38 weeks

My partner is working night shifts this weekend and due to the nature of his job, can’t just leave if I go into labour.

I know it’s probably going to be totally fine but I am kind of nervous as it’s just me at home with the cat. I lost my mucus plug at 36+2 last week and we thought I might be going into labour but that has settled again. I have an elective c section booked for when I am 39+3 and hoping baby stays put until then.

If I go into labour early, I was told to call and come in for a c section. Has anyone gone into labour before their elective and had a c section? How long did it take until you were in theatre? My partner can hopefully be at the hospital within 2-3 hours.

I am low key scared that I go into labour and have my c section before he can make it. However, I am probably over estimating how quickly I’d get wheeled into theatre as it wouldn’t be an actual emergency.

Edit: should have added this from the start but my partner is the only on site doctor overnight at a hospital. His seniors are aware of the situation and will come in if I go into labour but he can’t leave until another doctor is on site. Plus, if he’s dealing with a patient situation, he’s not going to be able to take my call and drop everything. His place of work is also 45-60 minutes from the hospital I am giving birth at.