Maternity leave worries

I’m almost 36 weeks and officially go off for maternity leave in 7 working days. I’ve been SO ready to go on maternity leave for weeks, as I’ve really been hit with fatigue, pelvic pain and the nausea is creeping back etc. Although, as my mat leave approaches I’m getting so anxious about the moment that I leave the office for the last time…

My main concerns are that there is nobody covering my role, my workload is just getting absorbed into the team, and so there’s been no real handover (not for lack of me wanting to do one) and also, I’m worried I’m going to be remembering things I wish I had finished, or things I may have left by mistake, as with no handover I’m relying on my 3rd trimester scatty mind to let someone (which could be anyone) know to pick the task up. It’s like the Sunday scaries but opposite.

Did anyone else suddenly get hit with anxiety about finishing for good? What was your experience? I imagine I’ll be too busy with baby to care when she arrives, but if she comes on her due date or late, there will be 3-4 weeks where I am just waiting around!

Any advice on how to chill out welcome !!