ACTUAL hot takes
Everyone who posts "hot takes" on here don't even know what a hot take is. Let me show you what a REAL hot take is.
Canon dragonball cosmology gets to outer. (My zeno scale for reference).
Arale isn't just outer, she's infinite layers into outer or even high outer. (My gogeta scale for reference).
Comp goku beats comp superman, or at the very least matches him exactly. (My fortnite goku scale for reference).
The areas of the DC cosmology below the monitor sphere on the world map aren't outer because of what happened in final crisis with time leaking in. (I made a post asking questions about that a while ago)
Koyamas statements should be valid when talking about heros since xeno goku has been stated to have lived through the movies. Koyama was the lead writer and director, he was also given free reign of making the movies, his word is valid in that senario.
If you asked the author of a fictional property how powerful "x character" is and they don't even say universal, then that character isn't hyper or outer. (This doesn't count coaching the author to get the answer you want. This happens far too frequently)
People who ignore what another person says and assumes they're wrong based on the final scale are cancer.
People who insult others over something as dumb as powerscaling are cancer.
People who quote fallacies rather than make actual arguments are cancer. (I'm talking about when a person spams them, not just mentions someone's doing something like moving the goalpost).
Comic characters and characters with lore that's not easily accessible or organized are wanked the most by far simply because there are less checks and balances for them due to the difficulty of getting the needed info.
Calling anything even slightly above the norm "wank" is cancer.
People who think they're pseudo scientists because they scale fiction universes are cancer.
That's all I can think of atm. Have a good one.