How to mega evolve rayquaza?
First I thought that you can use Jade orb to mega evolve him like kyogre and groudon. But turns out it's a key item. I looked it up and it says you need a meteorite but I can't find it.
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Teach it Dragon's Ascent
\nOh wow thanks man.
\nDidnt work
\nHow tho????
\nRelearner, Battle Frontier... Might be useful to have the documents on hand to check those things btw
\nIn the original games he has to use the move Dragon Ascent
\nYou can get mega rayquaza in Pokemon unbound (very very good rom hack)
\nFirst I thought that you can use Jade orb to mega evolve him like kyogre and groudon. But turns out it's a key item. I looked it up and it says you need a meteorite but I can't find it.
First I thought that you can use Jade orb to mega evolve him like kyogre and groudon. But turns out it's a key item. I looked it up and it says you need a meteorite but I can't find it.