If it were a zombie apocalypse what 6 Pokemon would you choose for survival and why?
Edit 3: This is the real world still. Just adding 6 Pokemon to it. So unfortunately that means no gimmicks like megas, dynamax, or tera Edit 2: omggggg lol I knew I was forgetting something. AND NO ultra beasts ya twits! Edit: Your Pokemon are capable of being infected -You may only choose 1 starter pokemon -For obvious reasons Legendaries, Mythicals, & Paradox pokemon aren't up for grabs -Ghost, Steel, and Poison types are immune. Also take into consideration armored pokemon that aren't those types however like Blastoise. If Blastoise went into it's shell than it's going to be safe from infection. If you're wondering if a pokemon would be safe from infection even though it's not one of those 3 types then just ask yourself if the reason why you'd think it'd be safe from infection would logically make sense and if it does then odds are that I'll agree with you that it's immune or safe. If not then.... I'm sure you can figure it out. -Again, this is a thought experiment with this world becoming overrun with zombies and your 6 Pokemon. You are the ONLY person with pokemon and you can only have those 6 Pokemon. Therefore no breeding or finding others throughout your journeys. -Also just so you guys don't feel required to have a healing pokemon like Chansey or audino or something. I'll add the condition that they will heal at a decent pace whilst in their PokeBalls or they can be healed quickly by regular first aid in a pinch when necessary.
I think it'd be interesting to see what other people would choose when considering their survival. For example I'd definitely be choosing Rotom without question for its compatibility with electronics and devices. That's an ability that i know at least for me personally I'd be unable to live comfortably without. Which makes me curious about your answers. 😊