FT: Events | LF: Offers, Wishlist

Hello again! Starred are clones/clean looking, unstarred have slight issues to make them wc injections, not-untouched or genned, etc. but nothing illegal or bad OTs

Any offers that arent badly genned or hacked! But if you want a wishlist or plan to ask 'what are you looking for', here's below (if reddit doesnt SCREW IT UP SMH)

WILL ONLY 2:1 STARRED CLONES for wishlist items on the non-pogo wishlist mons

  • Eevee (shiny female pogo only)
  • Alcremie (NONshiny and shiny accepted, self-caught only, need to see IVs and caught location, LOW LEVEL <35, matching ball)
  • Milcery (shiny self-caught only, need to see IVs and caught location, LOW LEVEL <35)
  • Morelull (shiny pogo only)
  • Charcadet and it's evos (shiny self-caught only, need to see IVs and caught location, LOW LEVEL <35, NOT greatball or repeat ball)
  • Fomantis (shiny pogo only)
  • Riolu (shiny pogo only)