natural breast augmentation

Hi guys!!

I’m 5’11, 130lb, and 23yr old! I currently model but i’m straying away from it as i’ve always wanted to get my boobs done since being a kid. I’m currently an A cup but they shrank a bit because I was chunky as a kid, so I hate the way I look without clothes on as they’re saggy :(

I already put a deposit down for Dr Desai in LA to get my boobs done Nov 1 and i’m sooo excited. I’m back and forth between 370cc and 405cc (gummy bear silicone). I was told because i’m taller that the implants will look smaller on me and everyone regrets not going big enough. I know a bigger size will inhibit my modeling career but at this point I just want to be happy with myself when I’m naked in the mirror and I don’t want to feel like I should’ve gone bigger. I still want to feel petite at the same time.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?? I need advice lol