my first ever tank

El niño fern, african water fern, java fern, 2 different kind of anubias not sure, dwarf hairgrass, cardinal plant, and bucephelandra brownie. 9 pounds of sand, 4 pounds of gravel, 7 river rocks, mopani driftwood, 10 drops of seachem prime, and 5.5 gallons of water. tidal 35 + polishing pad. Gonna look into buying a light tomorrow. Just gonna have 2 nerite snails in here for now, but i’m 80% sure theyre dead. If they are, any suggestions on what to stock in here?

El niño fern, african water fern, java fern, 2 different kind of anubias not sure, dwarf hairgrass, cardinal plant, and bucephelandra brownie. 9 pounds of sand, 4 pounds of gravel, 7 river rocks, mopani driftwood, 10 drops of seachem prime, and 5.5 gallons of water. tidal 35 + polishing pad. Gonna look into buying a light tomorrow. Just gonna have 2 nerite snails in here for now, but i’m 80% sure theyre dead. If they are, any suggestions on what to stock in here?