Should Knack decks focus less on 0 costs artifacts?
For those who don't know, Knack decks use [[Banishing Knack]] or [[retraction Helix]], a whenever untapper like [[battered golem]], a 0 cost artifact like [[Everflowing Chalice]], and some sort of payoff for infinite bounces, but I think there's more to look at due to cost reduction effects, such as [[Foundry Inspector]] which I haven't seen much of. Yes, it requires an extra piece, but those pieces often have good enough value on their own.
[[Ghoulcaller's Bell]] is an obvious piece if you have cost reduction, as it always enters untapped, tap it on each entry to mill everyone out, pass turn, and watch everyone die one by one. Even without comboing it can mess up player's scries and surveils.
[[Universal Automaton]] is an interesting one as he can use all the kindred cost reducers like [[stonybrook banneret]] as well as all the kindred tutors like rebels, mercs, and wizardcycling. Just note he can't use noncreature untaps like zephyr scribe, but can use something like midnight guard. Might be better in dimir or azorious variants, or anything that could use the automaton for something else too.
[[Bear Trap]] is definitely niche, but it can be used at instant speed if that's ever important, and its emergency removal I guess.
[[Viridian Longbow]] can be used as a combo piece, or a finisher if you have multiple untaps per entry.
[[Bladed Pinions]] and all effects like it that create treasures create 2 untaps per entry and still only cost a net of 1 mana, meaning even if you don't have any instant win payoffs like the longbow, you can still cyclonic rift your opponents. Or you could just use it for its intended purpose to give something flying.
[[Nimblewright Schematic]] style cards seems to be a more jank version of this, needing something like an ashnods for the extra token, but could still work, and with a cost reducer, can get you infinite mana and 1/1s.
[[Arcane Signet]] or any untapped 2 cost rocks can also do a general knack loop with cost reduction, and you probably want to play them anyways.
Maybe these are decent but I'm also wondering if they just push the burden on getting the cost reducer, but maybe it could free players from some of the worse 0 mana artifacts that just don't do anything without the combo, as the cost reducers will be decent regardless of if they're comboing off or not.