Fear vs Fireball vs vs Synesthesia

Link to my spell comparison methodology

We'll compare these spells to see how the best damage vs debuff spells compare. Each of these will be cast against 4 PL-1 enemies, each with moderate saves, and an HP that's the average of the HPs of creatures at that level.

Level 5: Spell DC 21, Moderate Save +11

Level 17: Spell DC 39, Moderate Save +29

These are exactly the same relatively, so we'll take the following probability distribution for everything. Due to the linearity of expectation, we only need to do one calculation.

Critical Success 5% chance

Success: 50% chance

Failure: 40% chance

Critical failure: 5% chance

Monster average HP level 5: 60 HP

Monster average HP level 16: 333 HP (Note that this is significantly above the Moderate HP guidelines for level 16 creatures in GM Core!)


Critical Success: 0 damage

Success: 10.5 damage, or -17.5% to creature health

Failure: 21 damage, or -35% to creature health

Critical failure: 42 damage, or -70% to creature health

Expected enemy power after spell: 73.75%

Fear 3:

This time I will be adjusting my methodology for offensive and defensive power. To improve accuracy, I will be using the numbers from the value of a +1, which are 12%, 25%, 39%, and 55% for +1, +2, +3, and +4. Then, instead of flatly multiplying defensive power, I will use 1/(1+0.12), 1/(1+0.25), and 1/(1+0.39), since we're comparing against a "baseline" of 100% damage. Similarly, we'll use their numbers for the power of a -1, -2, and -3, which are -0.11, -0.22, and -0.32

We will still assume 3 rounds of combat, since that's around how long such encounters should go (single-target encounters generally take longer).

Critical Success: 0 effect

Success: Overall offensive effect 1/3(0.89+1+1)=0.96333 Overall defensive effect 1/3(1/(1+0.12)+1+1)=0.964286, overall 0.92893 creature power remaining

Failure: Overall offensive effect 1/3(0.78+0.89+1)=0.89 Overall defensive effect 1/3(1/(1+0.25)+1/(1+0.12)+1)= 0.89762, overall 0.79888 creature power remaining

Critical Failure: Since the target is fleeing for 1 round, its offensive power drops to 0 for that round and is further multiplied by 0.6 on the next turn (assuming it needs to Stride and also use a less damaging ranged attack). This sort of measurement is a bit fuzzy, but we're doing our best to approximate. This only has a 5% chance of happening anyway so it shouldn't really matter too much.

Overall offensive effect 1/3(0+0.6*(0.78)+1)= 0.48933 Overall defensive effect 1/3(1/(1+0.39)+1/(1+0.25)+1/(1+0.12))= 0.8041 Overall 0.3934 creature power remaining

Overall Spell Result: 0.8537 creature power remaining

This is worse than Fireball. AOE debuffs aren't that great at this level.

But that changes when we go up in levels.

Falling Stars

We'll generously assume that you're able to catch all enemies in the middle 10 feet of 40 foot bursts without getting allies caught in the crossfire.

Critical Success: 0 damage

Success: 41 damage, or -12.3% creature health

Failure: 82 damage, or -24.6% creature health

Critical failure: 164 damage, or -0.4925% creature health

Overall effect: 0.8153 creature HP remaining

Synesthesia 9:

We'll be ungenerous with Synesthesia 9.

We'll completely ignore the -10 foot to speeds; it's too hard to account for that. We'll assume that clumsy 3 is ineffectual when it comes to offensive power; the creature uses Strength for attacks instead. We'll assume that the creature does not even use concentrate actions, so the flat check against concentrate actions does nothing. When it comes to defensive power, martials benefit from clumsy 3's reduction to AC, but casters need to target Reflex or use spell attacks to do so. We'll take our defensive reductions and multiply by 0.75 to account for this. Everything being concealed will be treated as a 0.85 multiplier of offensive power, not 0.8 since some creatures will have AOEs.

Critical Success: No effect

Success: Offensive: 1/3*(0.85+1+1)=0.95 Defensive: 1/3*(1/(1+0.39*0.75)+1+1)= 0.924565 Overall 0.87837 effect

Failure: Offensive 0.85 Defensive 1/(1+0.39*0.75)=0.7737 Overall 0.6576 effect

Critical Failure: With 1 action remaining after being Stunned, the creature has 0.6 remaining offensive power (the 1st action is the most valuable). I assume that 1 action AOEs are rare. Offensive 1/3(0.6*0.8+0.85+0.85)= Defensive (same as above): 0.7737 Overall 0.5622

Overall Result: 0.780336 power remaining. This is better even when giving generous outcomes to Synesthesia and assuming Falling Stars lands in an ideal AOE.


Debuff AOE spells are worse than AOE damage spells at lower ranks, when effects aren't debilitating enough and enemy HP bars are low. At higher ranks, multi-target AOE spells inflict devastating enough conditions and enemy HP is high enough that they become much much better. Overall, Incapacitation AOE spells that instantly take out enemies on a failure like Suggestion 8 and Calm are the best at higher levels when fighting groups of lower level enemies. As seen here, such spells can instantly remove 50% of the enemy side. There aren't very many debuff AOEs compared to damage AOEs, and Synesthesia is a bit of an outlier, but this is generally true.


If we use Slow instead and assume your first action is 0.6 of your turn's power, your second is 0.3 of your turn's power and your last is 0.1 of your power, we can easily calculate Slow 6's effect:

0.05+0.5*(1/3(0.9+1+1))+0.4*(0.9)+0.05*0.6=0.92333 creature power remaining

This is pretty terrible. But let's assume the monster has a tight action economy, or your party is good at taking advantage of the spell. If we assume the actions are distributed with power 0.45, 0.35, 0.2, then our results are like this:

0.05+0.5*1/3(0.8+1+1)+0.4*0.8+0.05*0.45= 0.85917.

A little better, now it's finally catching up to Fear 3.

Even with this distribution, it's actually better to be Slowed 1 for 1 round than Frightened 1, which is a little odd. I'm likely going to need an alternate way to compute the effects of Slowed on monster power; I'm open to suggestions.