Passed at 85

Soo I took my Nclex yesterday… mind you I graduated May 2024. I was afraid to fall into the statistic of those who have a lower chance of passing the more time you wait to take it. I went in yesterday nervous as hell I didn’t sleep the whole night before no matter how hard I tried. I was nervous my anxiety would get the best of me the day of. I was the first in line to get into the testing center. I was the first to sit down in front of the computer. I got so many ngn and was praying every time that damn screen went blue after each question. I listened to mark klimek and bought archer. I did a readiness assessment everyday the week before the test. But honestly at the end of the day none of those things helped me because the questions I got were so random and vague. I barely got any pharmacology.. only like 3 questions. I did get about 3 or 4 case studies. By the time it finished at 85 I wasn’t relieved I was angry. I felt like damn this is it? I felt like I had truly failed because the questions were not getting harder like everyone said they would. They were mostly ngn but not difficult questions like I expected which made me get more anxious because if I didn’t get these right then I for sure wasn’t making the computer believe I knew my stuff. But I did it all through the grace and glory of god. Just wanted to post this if anybody is in the same situation where they feel as if they failed. Trust me you didn’t just keep praying you know more than what you think you do!