Swim lessons

My soon to be 10 year old son started swim lessons in October. Originally he was in a group with 2 students. Then 3. Now 4 kids. Lessons are once a week, 30 minutes long.

Is this a normal ratio? I drive close to an hour for these lessons. Once a week is all they offer. I just feel like it’s ridiculous amount of time. Each student is guided individually so at any given time 3 are always sitting out.

I’m going to start looking again and hoping more classes pop up at other places now that the weather is starting to warm up. I chose this place first because it’s a pool that’s covered. I don’t have access to a community pool to go practice. It’s closed down for renovations. Can’t find anyone that does individual. One person I found but they only do up to toddler. We live in a small town so hence the drive.

Just looking for feedback to see if this is the norm for lessons.