What would you consider street-level or low level for Worm when it comes to the scale of the abilities?
Note I'm using the term "street level" very loosely in this post here. I know street level can either mean threat level or power level. I.E. Spiderman is a extremely high tier character (power level wise) dealing with street level threats. But for this post, I'm talking about the latter though.
Outside Worm street level is extremely hard to define. Even different versions of Batman, have different power levels. For example, Nolan Batman is far more weaker than New 52 comicbook Batman. But yet both are still considered "street level". The same example goes for characters like Daredevil and Punisher too.
As far as brutes go. I like to think live action heroes like John Wick, Equalizer, Jack Reacher, or Bruce Lee would make good "street level" brutes in Worm if that make sense. Since Worm is so realistic or identical to our world. I assume a badass normal character would still be out of place in this world. Especially if that badass normal character is on that overpowered Batman/James-Bond shit.
When it comes to other abilities like electricity, fire manipulation, etc. it's really hard to figure what would be the lowest forms of those abilities. When applied to "street-level" logic.