Eshe, why won't you love me?!
So here I am, grinding my face off to get Ashe to level 4 friendship so I can ask her to be my Shepp because I think with her frosty demeanor it'd be hilarious to have her be my Palian life coach. I am wine-ing and dining this woman like my life depends on it, and because she's so picky it takes a while. I finally hit level 4 with her last night and finally got down on one knee to ask her the question because I am SO SICK of the Shepp quest constantly mocking me. And she gives me the ol "well duh I can't be your Shepp, I'm the one performing the ceremony, you simple pleb".
😑 Excuse me, ma'am??
So after spending a couple of minutes ranting in my Palia Discord I decided there was only one logical choice after the bureaucrat disappointed me: I'd disappoint her back with the Grimalkin I should have chosen from the start.
Zeki is my Shepp and the ceremony was the cutest thing ever that definitely made me tear up a little at the end 🫶