Those with over 2K cards, what are you still missing (base sets)?
I’ll go first! I just hit 2K cards earlier this week, and now my base collection for MI and GA is almost complete. The only cards I’m still missing are Starmie EX, Moltres EX, and regular Dragonite.
What really gets me is that I’ve pulled the full art versions of both Starmie and Moltres EX twice, and I’ve pulled full art Dragonite three times. So technically, I can play everything, but I still need those cards to finish the base set.
A couple of days ago, I pulled four Charizard packs and got a 2-star card in each. The pulls? Alakazam, Sabrina, Alakazam, and—you guessed it—Alakazam again. How does that even happen with so many card possibilities? Three full art Alakazams in 4 packs feels... bizarre. I have zero complaints about owning 2 full art Sabrina, however.
I’m looking forward to the next set and trading to see how limited we will be in offloading extra copies.