Just Some Questions About Improving And Certain Heroes.

Hey everyone,

Me (support main) and my friend (Tank main) are (like 50 sr away from masters) masters and we have some question.

  1. how do you improve on hitting sleep darts. heard someone say that you should bind it on your mouse buttons. is that true. if so wich buttons i dont have enough side buttons?
  2. How do you counter a widow with 100% HS acc and a mercy pocket?
  3. How can you block point blank (close up) shatters?
  4. When do you pick zen?
  5. Any tips to land anti-nade on rein? I used to be good at it, but people are better at blocking it.
  6. How can I make a friend improve. we play with a friend who is alright but is really inconsistent.

THX for you time

Have a nice day everyone