When I play Ana my healing is low!
So I am a near masters support main and mostly play Ana.
I recently made a new account to relax a bit more, but my healing per 10 min is pretty low only 8.5k my dmg per 10 min is 2.6k (only hero dmg).
my accuracy is around 65% when i warmed up if i play more i can get 70-77%.
I dont know what i am doing wrong.
1 thing that it could be is that i am playing against a lot of dive lately so I die alot.
anyone have sometips to improve?
thank you in advance.
(srry for the bad english)
Edit: I got really high diamond mostly for my ana.
and most fights are pretty chaotic so anyone have tips to get order in such fights.
low diamond is pretty different from high diamond with that i mean the dont protect you.
thank for all the tips and comments.
Edit2: i mostly lose the gold medal for healing to a brig or lucio sometimes a mercy.
is that just me?