Do you have an Long long holiday OCs
Long long holiday is an Historical fiction animated french mini series set during ww2 it fallows pair of sibilngs and their friends as they try to survived the new reality. This series Is praised for it s unique story telling( Being narrated by older charecter recalling their child hood) Art style( Resembling Tin,tin or Belgian comic) animations( using 3-D and on 2-D background to add to realism with sloth movement) and adult subjject matter. The series can be watched on Prime video. The community surroding it and how it grown not only for the english ausience( with Fanfic, discord and fan wiki, fanfics are pretty gay), But also in France ( with book adaptation, games and offical Facebook) But What I really like is the OCs being able to made them with historical acuraccy I saw a lot of Tmbr and I want to used this showcase to you some of mine including the inspiration:
Jean-Luc Berne:
- Hes a french Canadian who came to replace Herpin after he got arrested
- He s preety young just 21 that shocks everyone
- He s mostly kind and caring person but if you got on his bad side yo get wrecked
- He lived near village of Pauli (thats a real place) and learned a lot about diffrent launguage and cultures
- He cares dieply abot his new students espacily about Gaston and Colet
- During the finale he got capture with other villagers and after wards becomes permanit teacher after Herpins unfortunet death
- For his description he has black hair and brownish eyes but he always were his luch black coat. He cares also an old talisman from one of the indian children he cared about and drawing that collet made of him and rest of the class
- He often wears glasses and his hair often is messy
- He used to babysit children with diffrent nationalities including german. witch couses him to have good realations with the germans and always cares a drawing of his new class made by Colet
- He was inspired Jean-Luc from Bluey, with name,Nationality, and hair color Juan
His full name Juan Gabriel Rodríguez Peril is 18- 23 throught the story born in 1925. He was drafted to blu spanish division and arivved in 1941. He grew up during the earlie days of Spanish civill war and decipises fashist goverment. He only joined the divison to get awey from this dictatorship. Most of his life he spent live with his grandfather fishing but wisht to become a writter and write poems. He was very close with Jeans mother and Eventually named heir son ( with french iving the name ) after him. When he inlists in the army he eventualy ends up in Grangvile and is force to requsistion the Marinetts house. Originaly he didn t know a bit of french nor german so nobody understands him. But Marrinette teaches him and Eventually form a frendship., even Juan slowly falls for heir. He was originaly jelous becose she was still with Pierre at the time but after he brokes up with heir He comforts heir and with this they become closer ( even thogh he understants that they will comeback to each other) and helps with heir trauma of losing heir nephew. Even thought he speaks basic french he still has thick spanish accent and often swears in his native lauged or when he s angry.. When he reunited with Luz She help with translations and even after learing french he still is comfortable with speaking Spanish. During his first stay at heir house he starts hearing About the rumers About constent meeting with the Colnnel, but aventually realises that Colnnel and Marinette are simblings in law and became the first offical memeber of resistance cell ,, Bloody Foreginers’’. Even thought he understants the desertion means death, He as hi put it ,, Goes rouge’’ being a spy for them and colecting information from ,, goth’’ an allied againt in Poland and ,, hyacinth’’ who goes around occupied countries. He serves as lancer and second in command in emergency if Klaus wasn’t around. Hes also a great shoter and drier raeddy to go full gas if needed. After the war he moves to America to be near Marinette and starts to wrrite his poems anonymisly in Latin american countries and short stories
His full name Tomasz Zibowski is 20-25 throught the story. He s a jewish man from poland
- He is a person filled with explosive energy who always is here to to have a small explosive supries
-He moved to Germany to follow his carrier of special efects and often gets fired becouse he goes crazy with explosive
- After Nazi toook control of germany in 1933 he coundynt finde a job becouse of his jewish heritage and drowns into Alkocholizim
-He wanted to return to his home country
-Since he was little he had strage future looking drams and during one of his happend when he fell drunk, he saw visions of germans invading Poland and complity freaked out he started teling people to ,, Pakujcie Manetki i uciekajcie do przymieżeńców i ratujcie życie’’ just simply to run but nobody belived him
-He evntually run awey ad went to France ino hiding beliving that his power to see the future would be used for their adventage
- He lived in an abonded ww1 german trench but he Eventually he came from it after Marrinette and Juan found him
-Originaly having trouble involving the launguage bericade and only speeking English he Eventually learned to speak french
-Even though he seas his new frends as someone who seas values in them he still has trouble with acepting that their leader is german and his problemis with alkocholism
- Fun fact he has cacne accnet and is an albino
- His ideal voice actor would be Zib from lackadaisy
- He was Inspired by my fan Albino charecter that I scrapped becose he was NSFW Gortezio
- His full name Gortezio Bidincini is 24 to 29 throught the story he s an Italian immigrant
- Most of his childhood spent in a beautifull Italian town working near a market place wear his family had a Food cart
-After the college he moved to Grangevile and opend a bakery and became close frend of Babtised
- But when the war started he had weird looksfrom the villagers becouse the germans treated him peace fully becose of his Italian heritage
- He coldynt joine the army becose of health prombles
- After she meats Marinnette he seas some gimer of hope that his country will be free he joines ,,Blood Foreginers’’ as a base comunicator and his knolege About sea maneges to help them wth ,, Grey ghost of Grangevile’’ Scam
He often wears a baret and has uncondetional Long blond hair
His biggest dreams was to become a baker but it was crushed with rule of Mussolini becose he himself not jewish certan part of family was
He moved to France to start maiking his new start
When he was in college he meet a felow imigrant Mit zun San who was Chinnese
His was Originally one of the OCs for one TLLH fanfic writter but Charecters name is based on director of ,,Its Beatifull life'' and has nephew named Bo San
His full name Mit zun San is 29 to 35 throught the story he s an old firend of Gortezio and was a soldier who was realised from Prisoners camp in 1942
- He grew up in an pooer Chinnese village and was tought Western ideas by Missioneries-Eventually he joined the french army and after countries surender he was thrown into prisoner camp
- His family was neutral during constant political tensions saying ,,任何規則都會使情況變得比以前更糟,所以我們不參與其中”
- Before annything get anyworse he decidet to study in Paris where he meet Gortezio and they formed a bond over their countries political instability
- After Japanesse invaded China he stay perimintly in france with Gortezio and worked as delivery man for Gortezio s bakery
- During this time he became more ,, Manly’’ and started developed amazing survivor skilles even having a scar on his eye
- After his realised with Three young man being send to germany ( even thought Pierre and Jules escaped and joined the resistance and Thierry being defendend by his half brother they Eventually findead the way to get diffrent ,,voluntieres’’) He was realised
- His meating with Gortezio was heartfellt and felt with tears
- He originally suvered from PTSD from the events at the camp and was horrified About the drama of what happend so he was realised
- After realising that their is a resistance group made out of Immigrants he joined and quikly became their traker and used his survivor skills to alert anybody if german are comin
- After the war he desided to go with Gortezio to Italy and became a valid crytic of Mao Zadongs rule
- He was also the OC i wanted to give that fanfic writter, I ve watched a fim about chinnese refuges tryjing to surveve Sino-Japannese war and One french film about a foreging legion black man escape from POW camp Dimitri
His full name Dimitri Sokolov is 25- 30 throught the story
A Soviet Defectot whos desire to escape to the free world was throwded by war
- Growing up in earle days of Stalins rule in Soviet Union, He was reised by his family who lived on Коллективизация колхоза
,,Farm collectivization’’ after the Stalin took control. Dimitrii s father who was apossed to it statred rebeling using leaflets and planing to take his family to america
- One of the first thing he had eversaw was 1920s gun that was amazed by
- He soferd from a form of ,, Cat eye desiese’’ in witchanything he feels angry his eye lids will look more like that of a cat
- His family then was going from a tragedy when during the great purge his father was murderd by NKWD and he saw it with his own eyes
- After that he developed a strage reaction with the gun his father had got from america when he shots from it he goes crazy his mind and that of a gun becoming one with it
- He still had a desire to go to america but it was throwded his plan after russia invaded poland with having no choice devise a plan to enlist into the army and at the right moment desert and go to America
- It originilaly worked but it was 1941 and Germany had invaded russia so he got thrown into prisoner camp
- He was meant to get transported to a cocentration camp but he jumped out of the trains that was trasporting him and escaped
- After fiding his way into grangevile he was hidin by the townspoke( not connected to the resistance)
- After that he joined ,,Bloody Foreingers’’ after someone wanted to help him transported to America but was found by them insted
- He was givven by Florian aa English Straw hat and still caries his 1920 s gun even thought he goes crazy when he uses it
- He mainly is a driver
- Isn t it oboius is based on Frackles from Lackadaisy
He was based on Freckles from Lackadaisy
His full name is Alastair ,, Sealkie’’ Wilson is 16-21 throuht the story
A man who escaped from a mosisve misunderstanding and eneded up on Gray ghost shore
- A man of Irish –scotsh heritage he learned from both cutures About fea
- He was enthrolled by the fact that he loved superman comics and saw him as a role model
- His nick name comes from him being master swimmer and his love of seals
- He had a pet donkey name Cu and Foster seal name snowy
- Becose of his Irish heritage certant part of his familywere thought to be a memebers of IRA –And one night tragydy struck when police raded his Irish uncles house and everyone got aressted but he got away he was a survivor of a last of his kind like superman
-After that he escaped to england were he enlisted into the army by giving that his 18
- After an navy mishap in 1942 he ends upon the shores of France were he gets helped by Laundry
- And Eventually gets helpe from bloody foreginers andhe becomse their spirit expert becouse of his Heritage
- He is the youngest of the group
- I ve watched Irish folklore trilogy and I was into it
If you want to show your Ocs you can and show your Inspirationts watche the show