Severe Anxiety Please Help

Hi, sorry I just am having a rough night and I’m looking for comforting words. I have shared here before I have severe religious trauma, I am working on healing it. I was reading a book I was enjoying and it said something like a character “prayed to whatever god out there” I skimmed past it but it tried to irk at me. I tried to just keep reading, because I’ve talked to my religious counselor about this before where I used to afraid I couldn’t enjoy characters or even love people who didn’t believe in the same things as me, which he told me he didn’t believe that was the case and that comforted me. I was having fears of idolatry as well for a while. I dazed out a bit from my mind going into attack mode and I thought something like “I don’t care about that” when I meant it’s not my problem there what they believe(I’m practicing not carrying that burden of everyone on me, I have had that problem of thinking I had to hold everyone’s sins and problems on my shoulders along with my own since I was a child) the book wasn’t even about religious things it was just a cute romance. But all because I had that thought, I went into overdrive panic, stopped reading the book completely, and was convinced I committed a form of idolatry because I heard as long as something isn’t causing you to do things against your beliefs to enjoy it, most didn’t think I had been committing it when I thought I was before. Can anyone help? I’m trying to read different little stories about the same characters (yeah these were fanfics) but my head is so worried I almost ruined the entire series and can’t enjoy it anymore because of this problem. I did pray and ask for forgiveness for all my sins, if I did mess up, and intrusive thoughts. I’m just really tired tonight.