Is there a place, maybe on Reddit, where people admit their scams and what they did in the past to get money?

Random reddit post, eh?

But what I am curious about is this: We all get those stupid spam emails, with bad spelling, saying "hey click here or open this file, for this large bill which we hope scares you". And we pretty much know where they originate, thanks to some YouTube videos.

But even after some searching, I cant find any videos or threads of people saying "yeah, that was something I used to do. Here's the rundown" (to be clear, I am not trying to find out HOW they did it. I work for a living. I am just curious what the thought process was behind it. Money was the motivator. But why did they think the scams would work?)

Now, before you respond, I know that people are going to point out that people wont just willing give out this information, for potentially obvious reasons....because in some cases it's illegal.

but I'd love to see what some of their logic was! "Well we knew it was a scam, and that people are smart, but we were hoping to get a few elderly people to fall for it". And before anyone mocks me, don't tell me that you havent watched a show on TV where old criminals came out and explained their crimes from decades earlier.

Why do I care? Because these emails and messages are all that are STILL pretty prevalent, and I just want to know WHY they bother, especially with technology getting better and people being more wise to it.