Does Your Channel Look Low Effort?
There was a post today talking about how many channels are on this community that are low effort / low quality. I thought it would be helpful to make a post so everyone can get feedback about this on their channel.
- Go to other channels that have commented here and see if you find it high or low quality content. [EDIT: Sort by "New" and "Controversial" so everyone gets a chance. Don't only view the top comments, they have obviously already been critiqued]. Upvote channels that are high quality, downvote channels that are low.
- Post a link to your channel (not a video) after you've looked at other. If you are first comment, com back later.
- You must check out other peoples channel and not just drop your link.
- Take a look at 2 or 3 videos, you don't have to watch them all the way, to get a feel for the quality.
- You do not have to give further feedback if you do not wish, but you can.
- Any type of channel is welcome.
Hopefully this will help you get perspective into whether people who discover your channel think it's well enough produced. Use this as a learning experience to find out how much you need to improve.