Why are weeks 6-8 so terrible?!

I had been warned about the first couple of weeks, which were undeniably hard with the baby blues, but holy hell weeks 6-8 are kicking my butt.

Husband and I are doing shifts (husband - 10pm-2am, me - 2am and on) which is so helpful but once 2am rolls around it’s like LO is needing one thing for another every single hour. He used to only wake to feed but now he’s waking to feed, waking to spit up, or waking just to wake and it’s driving me insane. I don’t fall asleep until 11pm naturally, and then I’ve only gotten a couple hours of good sleep before I inevitably am up every hour with him for something. I’m getting sleep in between but it’s interrupted and not good.

He started hitting 5 hour windows between feedings around 6 weeks then proceeded to go back to 2.5-3 hours around 7 weeks. I had also heard that babies shouldn’t be swaddled past 8 weeks ideally in case they start to roll, so we’ve started using the Merlin’s magic sleep suit which for the most part he seems to like, aside from the occasional wiggle when he wakes himself up to spit up or something.

Did this regression happen for anyone els? When will his sleep get better again 😭?