How do I quit my employment contract ?
Hello everyone, I signed an employment contract at around mid January. The contract was of 6 months probation and the salary was agreed to be 25k per month for first 3 months where I was required to attend a language class for 2 hours per day. Salary after 3 months for next 3 months was agreed to be 45k.
That fantastic in Nepal's scenario but it was only because it's a foreign company. After having learnt language for almost 1.5 months by now, I want to quit. They issue salary at 15th of the month. Like they pay February's salary on March 15th. It's March 4th today already and I have gone to language class for full February so I'm gonna get 25k on March 15.
Should I quit after taking salary ? Will the contract put me in trouble or would they come after me for 25k of February and 15k of January that they paid me just for language class ? I have to got o office to collect salary. Why I want to quit is a different story.
The current foreign company job is from civil engineering but I want to do programming and I'm on the verge of signing new contract with the programming company but they pay 15k for 3 months and then revise for possible promotions. I'm from a different engineering background but want to learn programming more than the civil thingy.
I have two options to quit : 1. Quit after taking salary (Difficult since I would have taken salary for 2.5 months only learning language.) 2. Quit before taking salary (Easier to terminate contract and talk to HR)
This is a moral, legal and career dilemma I'm having. Anyone willing to counsel me ?