Guys in my class are unbelievably misogynistic (what the actual fuck is up with Nepalese guys these days)

(Please consider by nepalese guys I meant guys in my class specifically, I was very angry when I wrote this)

Lets start with some context, I just finished my 12th and am currently studying in an institute. Everything was going great until one teacher showed up. I respect him a lot, all the sutdents do but he passes a lot of misogynistic comments. Yea I know how to take a joke blablabla but listening to this old man fucking yap about how girls do this or that and stereotype them every fucking day is tiring. I study hard and I would say I'm pretty smart in academics as well and I know I shouldn't take it personally but it fucking ruins my mood listening to the same shit everyday. The bigger problem here is the guys, I can't believe they will someday work for the country with a fucking clown mindset. They pass 10202292919910 comments about girls then complain how feminists these days are over reacting. I know they probably don't care but I hope all of them have a daughter someday so they will understand what the fuck is wrong with them. Also almost all of the guys in my class make girls feel uncomfortable as far as I have heard. I hope one day the teacher or one of those guys says something misogynistic to me so I can be personally offended and throw a fucking shoe at them.

Anyways ty for listening to my rant. I hope any girl or guy that comes across this realizes the joke becomes fucking annoying when you repeat it every day and keep stereotyping women.

Edit : I don't know if I should be sad or happy right now. It makes me upset that so many girls relate with this on the other hand I am so thankful to all the girlies and the guys here who actually seem like decent people and are suporting me. The thread lowkey gives me hope after I have had a shit day in general (a lot of things have gone wrong for me today).

Thankyou everyone :)