My first WH detachment

So I’m new to 40K and I’m putting together an Awakened Dynasty 2000 point army. Looking for tips or advice for my current build.

Shard of the Void Dragon Illuminator Szeras (WL) Overlord (void scythe + res orb) Overlord (translocation + res orb) (enaigic dermal bond) Plasmancer (phasal subjugator) Royal Warden Skorpek Lord

Immortals x10 Warriors x20

Reanimator x1 Lychguard x10 (sword and board) Lokust Destroyers x3 Lokust Heavy Destroyers x3 Ophydian Destroyers x3 Skorpek Destroyers x6

My plan is to have; Szera+translocation OL + Lych Plasmancer + warden + warriors Overlord + immortals Skorpek lord + skorpeks

Total army point = 1995