Said He Valued Honesty and Integrity
Did anybody else’s narcissist claim that they valued honesty and integrity?
My last experience dating a covert N, he said early on that he valued honesty and integrity, and that he would always be honest with me. He promised. I thought it was so hot, and was exactly what I needed to hear to be all in with him. Of course, in the end he was lying most of the relationship and cheating.
I recently started dating someone who had me concerned by some potential flags. One thing that really made me feel uncomfortable was that he said the same thing, that he really valued honesty and integrity, and loved that I was so honest and real. And he seemed to be being honest with me. But it was so similar to what I’d heard before it made me feel uncomfortable. Fast forward a few dates, he admitted he had been lying and seeing someone else too. (Even though we weren’t exclusive yet and he could have been honest.) I sometimes got N vibes with him too.
Did anybody else hear this phrase, or something similar, from their abuser? Is this just an automatic red flag when I hear it? 😔