I was falsely accused of and fired over the most ridiculous thing this week

Monday, NPs were acting really odd, and it was not the same energy as it usually is when I arrive. They wouldn't really speak to me or look my in the eye when I walked in, but I thought "hey, people go through things, I'm just gonna keep doing my job, I don't know what's going on with them". After a few minutes, mb turns toward me and says we need to have a chat. She picks up a book from the counter, and begins saying they don't agree with this book, this is something that they as parents want to address. She makes a few other statements, and I'm like "okay, she's asking me not to read this book. Maybe she's telling me they're not reading it anymore or something". So she keeps talking, then her final statement is "we feel it's inappropriate for this book to be planted in her room by the nanny". As I'm trying to process what she said, the garage door opens, and the kids grandma comes in.

I was completely shocked when I learned that grandma was there because this weekend, they decided they were going to fire me for "planting" this book. I am so dumb that during the mb's explanation of this book, I had no idea it was me they were accusing of “planting” it. I didn't plant it. I'd never even read that book to that kid. The baby's grandma was there because in their heads, they had already fired me this weekend when they found it.

The icing on the cake is that the book is Antiracist Baby. It’s amusing because I remember spotting the book when I first started working with them, but never pulled it off the shelf because the pages are thin paper and this kid likes to completely rip books, so I would only give/read her the board books for now. I told the mom I didn't do it, I got sick to my stomach and almost threw up and just started tearing up, like I always do when I don't know what to do. Db said something like "well, good thing we have a camera, we can check and see who planted it" (maybe they should have done that before falsely accusing me amd firing me??). Mom hugged me and sent me home for the day to think and reassess. She texted me apologizing as well.

Shortly after, she texted me a long text officially firing me over this, but offering me the next 3 weeks of pay as a severance because I literally didn’t even do what she accused me of (I still have not received the pay). It’s absolutely bonkers that I would just be straight up fired over a book, without them even asking if I left it, and it’s bonkers that it’s a book about raising children who aren’t racists. Like, who even are these people that a book on anti racism shook them up so bad? I saw absolutely no red flags before I was just let go for absolutely no reason. I have never in my career experienced something like this and I've been doing this since 2008.

ETA- this would only have been my 3rd week, so still in the honeymoon stage.