New ticket buy/sell masterthread

Hi folks! This is the new thread for buying and selling tickets. Posts outside of this will be removed.

On this thread, I'll try to remove comments asking/selling tickets for past shows to try and make it efficient and not a dead-end for those genuinely looking to buy/sell.

Don't get tricked by scammers! Here are some good rules of thumb:

  • Make sure you have solid proof before proceeding. Screenshots won't cut it. Ask for a screen recording that shows them taking tickets from your chat to their Ticketmaster account, don't rely solely on Apple Wallet.
  • Don't ever accept tickets through screenshots or from Eventbrite or direct Apple Wallet transfers.
  • When it comes to payments, use PayPal G&S exclusively. Avoid Zelle, Cash App, Venmo, cash in the mail, or bitcoin.
  • Take a look at the user's post and comment history. Watch out for brand-new accounts. And if you notice them claiming to have tickets for multiple shows and artists all over Reddit, they're likely not legit.

Stay safe out there! Good luck getting your ticket!