Looking for movies about the value/beauty of an individual life, apart from other lives.

I‘m interested in movies in which the protagonist slowly comes to believe in a reason to live or finds beauty and purpose in their life against all odds, but I have trouble when the central message is ”this person’s life is meaningful because they have a huge, unseen impact on other people” or “this person’s life used to be meaningless, but then they met this other person and now they have a purpose.”

That sort of message tends to fall flat for me, because I feel like…if you’re saying someone‘s life matters because they‘re having an impact or they‘ve found an important relationship, you could then say someone else‘s life doesn’t matter because their impact is limited or their social connections are lacking.

I want something where the message is more that people have inherent, unchangeable worth regardless of how small their life is or how many friends they do or don’t have, and they discover this for themselves, but not in a forced or saccharine way.

It’s okay if other people play a role in the protagonist believing in life again, but it should feel realistic, and there shouldn’t be the sense that if the relationship(s) were to dissolve, the protagonist would be just as lost again.

I would strongly prefer movies without any on-screen vomiting. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!