Wow! Are there only good players left?

I'd classify myself as a casual+ player. I'm pretty good but not professional, I play other games have a job n' kids and stuff but I (used to be) better than the average person I met online. I stopped playing, well, took a break from playing for about 2 months. Over the weekend I decided to get on and play a few rounds in combat league. At rank 1 I had a sweaty first couple matches but started out 2/0. And i mean they were close. After that, it was just loss after loss.

Was I just unlucky or are the only people still playing this game the really hard core players that are super good? I'm not complaining. I'm glad to see an active community and I only ran into one person who wanted to be toxic. My experience was that the skill level and the attitude of the average player in ranked has improved noticeably over the last 2 months or so.

Has anyone else noticed the same thing?