I thought Anjanath was bad... then came Bazelgeuse the destroyer of worlds
EDIT: I fucking got him
Me again - the chain smoker that nearly had a cardiac arrest from anjanath a few days ago. I just got myself to HR mode feeling very confident - I'd beaten the double kirin quest, the rathalos rathian duo quest, even killed 2 anjanath + b2b with no fainting. I had a twinkle in my eye and a spring in my step - I felt invincible.
...And then I heard it - a slow, monstrous flapping of wings, before my screen was engulfed with searing flames. Bazelgeuse, bazelgeuse, bazelgeuse. Why won't this motherfucker disappear and why does it relentlessly pursue me across the map, 1 shotting me with its little bombs for sport - as if it were the player and me the NPC. I'm quite literally scared to play HR mode now - I've been reduced to a little cockroach, frantically scurrying away from this unkillable behemoth, and I don't see that changing any time soon
Edit: well, I fought him in the rotten vale (no fire armour kirin all way lads) and i managed to get his tail and then some. Probs got him to like 40% or less hp so were getting there.
EDIT 2 pickle?? Is it deviljho.. if so, fuck that thing. How is he so quick for his size and what is that range?? Probably the worst beat down I've suffered to date.