Christmas present for me
My husband wants to know what to get me for Christmas and I am STUMPED. We usually spend about $100 on each other, but I am so tired of clutter and can’t think of anything material I want or need. I don’t wear jewelry much because I’m at home with toddler, and everything I really want, like a date night at the movies, a professional massage, unlimited naps, is mostly off the table because of c/vid and about to become irrelevant anyway because we’re having our second child in mid January. It’s a nice problem to have, someone wanting to get you something for Christmas, but I honestly don’t have an answer for him. I want sleep, and a week long vacation to a spa resort, but neither of those are happening anytime soon!
Edited to add: WOW I didn’t think my little venting session would blow up like this, you guys are amazing. I love all of the ideas and you’ve pretty much solved my year ahead for me, gifting wise. I’m going to ask for a massage for Mother’s Day, a night at a hotel by myself for my birthday (later next year, when nursing won’t be as much of an issue), and for Christmas I’m asking for a monthly chocolate subscription. Thank you guys for all the great ideas, truly. And for those that mentioned it/are here for ideas, I second that wireless headphones/airpods are life changing.