What’s something you didn’t have in your home as a kid that you’ll always have as a parent?

I’m thinking of small, maybe even trivial things that make life more convenient.

For me, it’s good facial tissues with lotion.

My parents gave me a roll of cheap TP for nose blowing when I had respiratory illnesses. My nose would get so raw and irritated so quickly and then the snot would make it even more irritated. As an adult, I am sure we have Puffs with lotion on hand at all times! My child will never know that raw nose life!!!

ETA: this was so interesting, thanks for contributing! My parents were loving and tried their best, so I know I’m lucky even if they weren’t perfect or had some odd stances on household products. And, FWIW, my husband will carry a roll of TP around with him when he’s got snot even though the tissues are available 🤷‍♀️