My son suddenly developed a peanut allergy and I’m feeling defeated
As the title says, my son is almost 14 months and just yesterday we’re suspecting he has a peanut allergy. He started getting redness around his right eye and was itchy. At the time, I didn’t think it was an allergic reaction because he has had peanut butter before and I also thought it was dry skin.
But we gave him some peanut butter crackers today and his reaction was worst than yesterday’s. Redness only on the face, hives, and itchiness.
He already has a dairy allergy but he just suddenly developed a peanut allergy? I feel so defeated because it’s just another allergen we have to avoid along with dairy.
We have an appointment today with his pediatrician and we’re going to ask to be referred to an allergist.
I guess I’m just looking for some reassurance because it makes me pretty bummed that there’s just more foods that he has to avoid.