Feeling so scared rn
I have 2 littles, a boy & a girl, & now we have to deal with another Trump presidency. As a black woman, I am so terrified. I can’t believe we’re at this point AGAIN.
We shouldn’t be sitting here scared of what’s to come. It should NOT be like this. It’s not fair.
To the Trump supporters that could be in here: this post isn’t for you, so keep scrolling or catch me in a bad mood. Not playing with yall.
EDIT: i did not come on here to debate with yall. if yall don’t care about the state of the country, then good for you. remain clueless if you want.
Alright, last edit for you dummies that don’t do your research on Trump - I won’t be answering to ignorance anymore. Yall have fun in the comments defending a pedophilic, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic, dumb, old fuckwad FELON that WILL cause this country to regress even more.
Okay jk, this is my last edit - for those of you that have left supportive & sensible comments on this post, thank you. i am glad we could at least create some kind of positive energy within the comments, even if there are trolls in here that continue to push hateful rhetoric. just because we don’t support trump does NOT make us stupid. & the “fear-mongering” comments are just out of hand. stop using terms you just learned 2 days ago. if you trump supporters came in here with some sense & made your points in a more respectful way, i wouldn’t have an issue. but you don’t. ever.
also - the fact that most of trump’s cult can’t make their points without name-calling or boasting just proves that these are the people he attracts & wants on his side. their reflection in the mirror is him. they idolize him as if he’s a god, they hide behind a thin veil of Christianity, but they are some of the worst sinners. the irony.
as a black woman in this country that refuses to support a racist criminal, i will continue advocating for peace & prosperity, whether trump’s cult likes it or not. i am part of a marginalized group that is always questioned & disrespected for having a different view on things. even if i clarify/explain myself, i am called names, taunted, belittled, degraded, & dismissed. even though i do my due diligence by researching all political agenda, i am constantly attacked & seen as less than. it’s unfortunately the reality for a lot of us.
but i won’t shut up & i won’t sit back. i have rights & i will exercise them. thank you again for those that are being kind & supportive. i see you & i am here for you, too. always.