Thoughts after finishing WoA

Just finished WoA this morning and there's not as much to unpack here as I thought there would be.

With sazed being one of my favorite characters, I love all the character development he got in this book. It feels like he finally became his own character now that he's free, but being the religion terrisman that he is, he didn't really know what to do now that he's seen a religion (the steel ministry) come to an end. As he's finally getting his bearings on what he wants to do, the person he's been doing it with as they were so close to uncovering the truth, was ripped from him. I love sazed and this book was definitely for him.

Vin: not a whole lot to say, she's still uncertain of herself as a whole but not all for one reason. Her "development" in this book wasn't much to write home about imo. Still feels like she's missing something. My current theory of her being an allowmancer and a feruchemist still hasn't been dis-proven, but I'm starting to think that she might not be now. She is just a much stronger Mistborn than normal by what it all seems. The mists seem to have chosen her to uncover the well because they knew she'd be easy to trick into releasing ruin.

Elend: still just an okay character to me. He's just someone who wants to be a philosopher but forced to be a war master. Excited to see how he plays out as a mistborn.

Breeze: he initially just seemed like a side character meant to teach Vin how to soothe better, but I actually like all the exposure into his mindset that we got in this book.

That's really all I have for WoA, excited to read hero of ages